Sunday 25 August 2013

Gear For a 5 Day Kayak Trip

Me and Jors, have both been through tough harvesting and packing seasons (dates and citrus) the last couple of months. We desperately need a break, but September holiday is out of the question, mainly due to important actions in preparing the harvest of next year.

So we decided to do a 5 day kayak trip in October, while the rest of the families go on with school and work.

We decided to do the trip from Klein Pella to Goodhouse on the Orange River. It's 76 km of river with spectacular views, breathtaking sunsets, no people and campfire evenings while camping each night on the riverbank at non-dedicated spots. We will do the trip over 5 days, because we wanne take some time to relax and flyfish as well. Everything that is needed, must be carried on the boats, because we won't have a back-up team on land. Most of the trip won't even have cellphone reception.

For me, planning a trip like this is more than half the fun of the trip itself. In this post I will be sorting through my gear, adding stuff and throwing some out again. It is important to keep the weight down as far as possible, because how lighter the boat, the better it would perform in the rapids and obviously the easier it will be to row. There will be some harsh rapids on the way, so we need to be prepared for any situation/incident.

PS: We have another caveman joining, Hanno is coming up from Cape Town, say there's no way he's gonna miss out on a trip like this! Welcome Jwabie !

The Boat and Paddle:
I have an ARK Croc 2 inflatable kayak.
It's a 2 person kayak  that I will be using alone, because the extra space will be needed for gear and supplies. The paddle has hard plastic blades because they hold up better against rocks than carbon blades. The paddle is also connected to the boat with a leash to ensure that it's not lost.

Used for the boat and also the inflatable matress.


Personal Floating Device
Can't go on the water without one of these


Safety Helmet:
Because there will be some rough whitewater rapids on the way, it's better to pack this helmet.
Protection for your head if you fall from the boat and bang your head against a rock.

Water Bladder:
Think I will use this 2L water bladder.
Will make drinking easier while rowing and no loose waterbottles in the boat.

On the PFD, there is a special pocket on the back that will work well for the bladder

I added the magnetic button to the PFD in front. This will keep the mouthpiece in place, keeping it from dangling around while not drinking. Only problem, water will not keep cold all day.

Water Purification Drops:
Will need to purify river water for drinking
Pocket Gasstove:

Kovea Titanium pocket stove.
Light and small, very fast.
Not sure how much gas will be needed for the 5 day trip.


Think I will use these trusted cooking gear.
Great space savers and not that heavy, specially this cheap aliminium set of mine.

 Piet Fluit Kettle
Alot of the food will be dry and will need hot water.
A bit bulky but easy to use and very effective on open fire.

Large Aliminium Cooking Spoon:
This will come in handy
"Oom Piet se Vurk":
This is a selfmade very handy braai fork. (Not my idea, just copied it)

Can be used to roast many things over an open fire.

Just add a stick gathered in the veld for a handle

Basic Eating Utensils: 
"Blik bord en beker"
Spork --- Spoon + Fork
Have not yet decided which knife will be carried for the trip - whole different chapter
Maybe I'll rather take these for drinking
 Braai Grid:
Just half a grid.
Really would like to make some "roosterkoeke" on the trip.
Not entirely satisfied with this, searching for other options.

Finally found exactly what I was looking for. A braai grid in one pipe.
Thanks SA for creative people.
All Stainless Steel

 Small Plastic Mixing Bowl:
If I want to make some bread things, I'll need something to mix the dough in.

Nalgene Bottles:
Great bottles for storing almost anything.
Also handy when water needs to be purified.
Addis Clip-Seal Containers:
 Very good to stoor dry food or anything that needs to be kept dry.
Cleaning stuff:
Some basics to clean the scuffting

 Small Tree Saw:
Firewood will not be a problem on the trip, getting it to manageable size, might be.

10m Rope, for all kinds of uses

 Hard Plastic Spade:

Always keep good LOO manners.

 White Gold:
Will rather go with the watertight option - will have to remember the instructions on my own
 Pocket Shower:
 Maybe it's a comfort/soft item for a trip like this, but taking a nice hot shower, always refreshes body and soul.
Petzl Headlamp:
If I have to take only one flashlight, it's sure to be this one.

 Fly Rod:
This budget, three piece fly rod has served me well and still going strong.
Catching yellowfish on fly is great fun.
The fish keep in shallow, fast flowing water with a gravel/sand bed on the bottom.
October is a good month to catch them. Everything is catch and released.
Extra flies are carried in the small green box.
To protect the rod from harm, it is stored in this PVC pipe with end caps

For easy/fast accessability, the PVC Pipe with rod is connected with snaphooks to the rope rail on the boat.
 Dry Bag: 
This is a 65L Sea-to-Summit dry-bag and all the sleeping gear and extra clothing will be kept in this bag.

Plastic Watertight Drum:
This drum has a 50 liter capasity and all the gear and food supplies will be kept in it.
It will be well secured to the boat.
 Safetygear Container:
On boats these containers are normally used to carry the safetygear
Think it has about a 15L capasity
Nice big watertight lid that can easily be opened
Maybe this can work well to store the day's food and snacks, camera, step-out-bag ect
 Sleeping Gear:
Sleeping bag and inflatable matress

Because of limited space, I will go back to the smaller bag.

The bag will contain some medical, survival en emergency gear
For a knife-nut, choosing a knife for a trip is no easy task
Finally came to a desicion - a two knife combo
CRKT M21-04
Opinel No 8

To keep the Opinel close at hand, I made this leather pouch from some soft leather.
Idee is to carry it around my neck, or attach it to the PDF.

Some Food Ideas 
Roosterkoek Mix:
Pre-mixed, just add warm water
Simply can't go without bread for 5 days

Instant Oats:
Great for breakfast on the go
Just add hot water and stir

Potato in a pack, just add hot water

Two Minute Nudels:

Very easy and fast to make
I love mine with some mayonaise
Can also add something meaty, like viennas or biltong

Condensed Milk:
For some amasing sunset coffee or just some energy on the go
Re-usable tube container works great for storing

Dried Fruit and Nuts:

Lots of energy and great for snacking through the day

True to our "Voortrekker" herritage
Dried meat


Carring drinking water for the whole 5 days will not be possible
At some stage, river water will need to be purified for drinking
Game gives a better taste and also some much needed minerals and vitamins

Clothing Ideas:
Wide Rim Hat:
For chilly nights

Multiple uses

Mosquito Net:
"Miggies" can be terrible on the river at day
Mosquitos can cause a real bad sleeping experience at night.


Multiple uses
Used as a bandana, a towel, a blanket, a skirt, a sunshade ect.

Long Sleeve Shirt:
Light, cool and quick dry
Long sleeves to protect arms from the sun
Long Sleeve Pants:
Light, cool and quick dry
Long legs to protect from the sun
Protects feet from shaving sand in shoes
Help keep warm at night
Warm Jacket:
 For chilly evenings
Must be able to handle water.
Must have strong soles to protect feet on land from "mortherless" thorns
Not something like this:

Here is a better option:

Small Things To Remember:

Straps and stuff to secure things to/on the boat

5 days rowing might be hard on the hands
Just to clean the essencials
Some anti-bug

Lip treatment and protection
It didn't happen without pics

Mini tripod for group photos

Fire match. Saw one in a shop today and bought it. Need multiple strikes to light though.
Not a great product, but OK for backup.


Kayak seat. First that suffers is my lower back (old rugby injuries)
This seat help alot with that.