Thursday 9 January 2014

What Is It About Knives ?

From a young age I am absolutely "fascinated" with knives. I use the word "fascinated" in lack of a better description for the "feeling" I have for knives. I always thought of myself as a knife-nut, but after joining knife forums the past couple of years, I realised that I'm actually a mild knife-nut.

I found this topic "What is it about knives" on one of the knife forums and like to share some of the guys comments with you. The ideas are not my own, but I can surely associate with them to put a description to this "feeling" we have for knives.

"The question "What is it about knives ?" most probably stems back to ancient man when he discovered the first cutting tool namely the flint. That was a, as an important discovery as fire, and with flint and fire, opened a whole new world to him. The same reason why we can sit and stare at fire for hours, mesmerized by the flames. The flint, or for a better word knife, allowed man to hunt by using it as a spear and for hacking up meat, also as a defensive weapon to protect himself. So I would say that these two items are imprinted in our DNA from hundreds of thousands of years ago and therefor our fascination with blades and fire."
"There is something called Meme Theory, where ideas and culture are passed on from person to person, generation to generation, until it becomes something stronger than a feeling. Why when we see something that stirs deep inside, do we feel such passion for it ? It must be because our ancestors, all the way to the beginning of time, have seen the same things and have been inspired the same way we are. This is why we find comfort in fire, knives, sunsets and companionship. Knives are an integral part of our lives and culture and I think many years into the future when knives are rare, if someone who has never seen a knife, sees one for the first time, will feel that ancient instinct buried deep inside, and just know that this is a thing of value . . . ."