Saturday 15 November 2014


Bike trailors are not cheap, but for back-up on trips and travelling to really far-off places, you kinda need them. They also need a yearly licence . . tyres . . . and storage space.

I came across this alternative . . . the X-Ramp

Supplied with a mounting fitting, the space saving storage of the X-Ramp is definately one of the big advantages for me.

Fitting the X-Ramp was real easy. Bolts are supplied with the X-Ramp.
The ramp makes loading real easy and this can be done single handed, although a second pair of hands will make life easier with the strapping.
With the first try, I strapped the bike to tight, compressing the shocks too much. It's not necessary, you just want to keep the bike upright. Might get myself a fork saver for the front wheel.
I used ratchet straps, but on second thought, proper cam lock straps might be a better option, simply because of easier unstrapping.
I took a drive with the bike on the X-Ramp on the farm. First few minutes was nerve racking, getting used to the bikes slight movement in the mirrors. After a while I became more confidant that everything will hold up fine.
Still need more experience with the X-Ramp, but so far I'm very pleased with this product.

Monday 13 October 2014

Jan v Riebeeck Knife

Got this today from a friend.
Been used hard ! Small blade broken off completely.

On the knife is 1652 - 1952 engraved.
Looks like it's a 300 year "herdenkings" knife, which means that it's 62 years old.

Cleaned it up a bit . . . . .

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Merwe Knife

This knife was designed by Jors himself.
He took the design to a knife maker and the knife became reality.
Good size, allrounder with a Stainless Steel blade.

Having so many knives already, I really tried not to order me one aswell.
I held up good, until I held the knife in my hand.
From that point there were no stopping . . . .
Already copy'ing Jors, I decided on a different look for the knife.
First I tried my hand at making my own hessian micarta.
Came out ok and send it to the knife maker.
Also changed the blade look by getting it sandblasted.
I'm like, REALLY happy the way the knife turned out:

Thanks Derek van der Merwe, you are a true knife making master.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Micarta Selfmade

One can make micarta for handle material of knives from differant fabric.
I used hessian for my first try.
Basically you cut some sheets, add some resin and layer on top of each other.
I used fiberglass resin for mine. Then you clamp together and let dry.

My first peace of micarta. 
This will be used on a knife I'm getting handmade by Derek vd Merwe.

Also made some micarta from an old denim.
Decided to make some new handle scales for this knife from it.


Took a stock standard Opinel No 10 (carbon blade) and did my own micarta thing on it.
Wrap one layer of camo material around the handle, and secure is with Epoxy Resin
Also added a pocket clip

I call it the "Bushcraft Opinel"

Some hessian micarta left, so used it on this knife

Sunday 6 July 2014

Wooden Spoons (Big)

Did not make these myself; bought it from a guy on the street.
Added some personal touch though . . . . .


Ready for some serious "potjie" stirring  !

Sunday 8 June 2014

School Woodwork Bench

A couple of months back, I got this woodwork bench for R150. The local school was emptying an old storage room to make space for another classroom. The last time I worked on one of these was in grade 9, in Mr Helgard Du Preez's woodwork class.(27 years ago) It still looks the same, only smaller than I remember and this one is painted a "not to be missed", green color.

The top of the bench has lots of caracter, created by schoolboys working on all sorts of woodwork projects. Years and years of taking punishment and abuse.

The bench-vice's were all detached from the benches, lying on a pile and in bad condition.
First cleaned it with a high pressure water sprayer.
Replaced the old wooden parts in the vice with new ones.
Then started with the grease and oil on all the moving parts.
The bench-vice is running smooth now.

Also fitted a new lock hinge for the cupboard.