Sunday 8 June 2014

School Woodwork Bench

A couple of months back, I got this woodwork bench for R150. The local school was emptying an old storage room to make space for another classroom. The last time I worked on one of these was in grade 9, in Mr Helgard Du Preez's woodwork class.(27 years ago) It still looks the same, only smaller than I remember and this one is painted a "not to be missed", green color.

The top of the bench has lots of caracter, created by schoolboys working on all sorts of woodwork projects. Years and years of taking punishment and abuse.

The bench-vice's were all detached from the benches, lying on a pile and in bad condition.
First cleaned it with a high pressure water sprayer.
Replaced the old wooden parts in the vice with new ones.
Then started with the grease and oil on all the moving parts.
The bench-vice is running smooth now.

Also fitted a new lock hinge for the cupboard.

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