Saturday 28 July 2012

WEG Toksak

Die WEG toksak is baie groter as wat ek my ingedink het (vir die prys)
Die sak is van regte canvas gemaak, het selfs daai was (wax) gevoel as jy aan hom vat.
Die ritsluiter "Zip" is YKK en gee regtig 'n kwaliteit gevoel aan die sak.
Die dra bande is nie WOW nie, maar daar is ook niks met hulle fout nie.

Persoonlik sou ek net 'n dikker band verkies het.
Die bande is baie goed van onder die sak se pens tot hoog teen die kant vas gestik.
Daar is nie klein sakkies aan die kante of erens nie, dis een groot oop sak.
Nate is tot die minimum beperk.
Dis beslis 'n "No nonsence, rugged" toksak.

Eerste paar mense vir wie ek die sak gewys het, het almal die opmerking gemaak dat dit 'n lekker sak is vir jou beddegoed. Ek dink sy gebruike is legio en volgens my, vir die prys, 'n lekker stuk toerusting vir enige kamper / buitelewe mens.

Ek gaan myne ook gebruik vir my canvas gasebo se kant seile.

Mens kan dit selfs gebruik vir jou duiktoerusting. . . . elk geval, regtig nie 'n sleg toksak nie.

Het verlede naweek die toksak behoorlik getoets op 'n jag naweek.
Daar is sommer in die veld gekamp en genade was min, want die spoed was hoog.
Slaapsak, kombers en kussing daarin gesit.
Sak wys geen tekens van die mishandel nie.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Fishfinder Setup for Kayak Fishing

It's winter and it's cold, one dream of summer and sea.
Thought it a good time to get my fishfinder setup ready for December's kayak fishing.
Had the fishfinder last December already but struggeled to keep everything together (battery, wires, sensor and display)

Started with a piece of Marineply wood.
Cut some holes for a ratched strap that will secure everything to the kayak again in the end.

Then secured the frame of the Display to the wood with screws.

The battery you want to keep as dry as possible, so I took a watertight plastic container to use as housing.The holes that were drilled for the cable and screws was just big enough for a tight fit.

Then secured the plastic container to it's place on the wood with 2 srews.

Houston we have power !

Now to add the sensor. Would like to keep everything together. Hmmmmm . . . . . .
Came up with this:

Folded in and out:

Final Product:

Everything in a convenient carry option:

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Step Out Bag - Upgraded

Those with small kids, specially boys, will know that you get the frequent toe bash or the bruised knee or the thorn in the foot or the stepping on a coal ect ect.
Thats why I decided to make myself a bag with the nessaserry gear to handle those small hiccups thar occur in everyday life. It's a combination of survival, medical, EDC and just some nice stuff and gear to have with you. Call it the Step Out Bag, cause I never leave the house without it.

First bag got to small, so I got this one from Walker Wargame via the internet for R250.
It's called the "Specific Universal Gear Pouch Bag". They claim it's made from 800 D High Density Nylon.

The bag has 4 pockets in total, 2 side, 1 main and 1 front.
The sling can be adapted to carry over the shoulder or around the waist.

Added a small LED keyring light to one of the zippers

Contents of the pockets:

First side pocket:

Second side pocket:

Front Pocket:

Main Pocket:

O yes . . . . . and in the secret pocket:

I know I got a bit carried away and a lot of this stuff can stay at home or is duplicated, but hey . . . who cares ? It stays one bag, right ?

Here is the complete inventory: (In red the new stuff)

Specific Universal Gear Pouch Bag

 LED Light (Attached to an outside zipper)

Stainless Mug
Cord 5mm  (5m)
Paracord  (5m)

Emergency (Space) Blanket (2m x 1.1m) (Very small packed)
Micro Fibre Towel  (Sea to Summit)
Leatherman Charge Multitool

Leatherman H501 Knife
Led Lencer P3 (with 2 AAA spare batteries)

Leatherman Style CS Mini Multitool
Starflash Signal Mirror
Mosquito Net (head)
Replacemant Kettie String

Strikeforce Fire starter
Wetfire Fire Starting Tinder
Bic Mini Lighter
Cotton and Petroleum jelly mix (in film holder)
Bic Lighter (Large)
Candle (small)

Aquamira Frontier Water Filter (Use like a straw and drink from any source)

BactiZip (Antiseptic/cleansing spray)
Steeldrops (To stop bleeding)
Gentian Violet (Like mecerocrome, only purple and better)

Material Bandage (with two medium pins)
Elastoplast Dressing Strips
Elastoplast Stretch Plaster
Burnaid Burn Gel

Asma Pump  (Asthavent)
Eye Drops (Safyr Bleu)
Germolene ointment
Allergex cream (same as Antisan)
Water Purification Tablets
Zam – Buk (Original)
Zam – Buk (Cherry lip balm)
ENO (Sparkling Antacid)
Mypaid (Muscle strains and pains)
Micropore plaster

Film holder with Salt
Coghlan's waterproof bag (mainly for cellphone, ID eta)
Cableties  (small)

Boot laces (2 x 180 cm)
"Boereband"  (almost like ducktape, wrapped it around the film holder with salt )

Sewing Needles
Soap Ease (paper soap sheets)
Wet Wipes, Sealed  (with complimants from Spur)
Insect Repellent Stick  (Peaceful Sleep)
Lipbalm (SPF 25 Sun)

Wooden Teaspoon
Nappy Pins
Cableties (medium)
Magnifying Glass
Electronic Starter Unit (Used in some lighters)
Razor Blades
Isolation Tape
Steel Wool


Sunday 1 July 2012

Handmade knives from Oupa Poen

When my father-in-law decided to start making knives, I made sure we had a little conversation about the tipe of knife I needed so desperately at the time. See, at that stage I had my own horse, we were living in Citrusdal and me and some friends did regular overnight trips in the Cedarberg mountains with the horses.

I needed a short fixed blade that woudn't bother me on my hip while in the saddle. It had to have a sharp point to make holes in leather when repairing riding gear. This was Oupa Poen's first fixed blade he made and it was exactly what I needed. In a short space of time, this knife had served me well on numerous horse trails. 

(DL - Daniel Louw)

Just a size comparison to the CRKT M21-04

Just a year or two later he surprised me with this Biltong folder.
There is no substitution for handmade knives - they're simply the best.

Childhood Memories

Is there a single picture that can summerise your childhood ?
I'm sure for every person the picture will look different.
Here I tried to do just that.
My four most loved/treasured posessions while growing up.

1.BEEKAY (8 x 32) Binoculars. This I got from oom Dawid van der Merwe from De Aar when I was about 8 years old. The feeling I have for this is undescribable, because there is so much memories associated with it.

2.Kettie. Me and two of my best childhood friends, Jan Strydom and Paul Ferreira, were never without ketties. We made it ourselves, from the "mik" to the "velletjie". The strings were cut from red tractor tube, the length and width according to the draw-weight you could manage. Let me tell you, WE WERE GOOD with those ketties.

3.Hunting Knife. My two friends were about 3 years older than me. At one stage they both had hunting knives. I remember both knives like it was yesterday. It took me exactly a year's savings (allowence of R1 per month) to buy my first fixed blade knife. I bought it from the local BB (Boere Benodighede) for R12 when I was about ten years old. At night I slept with this knife under my pillow. When carrying this big knife around, your heart was just as big, nothing could frighten you.

4. Paul Kruger folding knife. It was well used when I got it from my dad, but I did not use it much myself and rather kept it as a treasured piece. I lost this knife somewhere/somehow and it was a sad sad day. About 25 years later my dad found the knife again while working in the garden.

So, here is my childhood in one pic. (within different pics)