Sunday 1 July 2012

Childhood Memories

Is there a single picture that can summerise your childhood ?
I'm sure for every person the picture will look different.
Here I tried to do just that.
My four most loved/treasured posessions while growing up.

1.BEEKAY (8 x 32) Binoculars. This I got from oom Dawid van der Merwe from De Aar when I was about 8 years old. The feeling I have for this is undescribable, because there is so much memories associated with it.

2.Kettie. Me and two of my best childhood friends, Jan Strydom and Paul Ferreira, were never without ketties. We made it ourselves, from the "mik" to the "velletjie". The strings were cut from red tractor tube, the length and width according to the draw-weight you could manage. Let me tell you, WE WERE GOOD with those ketties.

3.Hunting Knife. My two friends were about 3 years older than me. At one stage they both had hunting knives. I remember both knives like it was yesterday. It took me exactly a year's savings (allowence of R1 per month) to buy my first fixed blade knife. I bought it from the local BB (Boere Benodighede) for R12 when I was about ten years old. At night I slept with this knife under my pillow. When carrying this big knife around, your heart was just as big, nothing could frighten you.

4. Paul Kruger folding knife. It was well used when I got it from my dad, but I did not use it much myself and rather kept it as a treasured piece. I lost this knife somewhere/somehow and it was a sad sad day. About 25 years later my dad found the knife again while working in the garden.

So, here is my childhood in one pic. (within different pics)

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